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Financing of studies

Studierende im Hörsaal © Detlev Müller / TU Bergakademie Freiberg

No tuition fees are charged at the state-run universities in the Free State of Saxony. Costs incurred depend, among other things, on housing conditions or, in general, on the demands placed on the quality of life. However, contributions for the services of the Studentenwerk and student representatives as well as for a semester ticket are unavoidable.

Only a few students are fortunate enough not to have to worry about funding their studies. There are various financing options for all others.

The German Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) provides financial support to students.

Training grants are awarded only upon written application submitted to the Office of Training Grants of the Studentenwerk.

In addition to the income of the parents or spouse, the funding amount depends on a number of other criteria. Half of the BAföG funding amount is granted as an interest-free loan and the other half is a subsidy. The decision as to whether a student can be funded under the BAföG must be made on a case-by-case basis.

Repayments in monthly instalments of EUR 105 are socially viable and usually start five years after the end of the maximum funding period (standard period of study of the respective study programme). Completing the course of study quickly and successfully can help waive some part of the loan.

In addition to BAföG, the Studentenwerk offers many other funding sources. Some of them are:

  • Student loan (KfW)
  • Bridge loan (Darlehenskasse)
  • Students with special needs (disability, chronic illness, students with children) through the Deutsches Studentenwerk

Education loan from the Federal Office of Administration


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